[CPM-SPIRE-L] Jobs: 2 research assistants (100%, E13), algorithmic bioinformatics

Sven Rahmann Sven.Rahmann at uni-due.de
Fri Jun 25 13:57:17 PDT 2021

Dear CPM/SPIRE community,

I recently moved my lab to Saarbrücken and have two openings for 
research assistants in algorithmic bioinformatics (as PhD students or 
postdocs, 100%, E13, 3 years fixed-term contract).

Please see the attached PDF for details.

Candidates should have an interest in both algorithm engineering and 
biological/medical applications of their methods.

Collaborations across Saarland Informatics campus (e.g., university, 
DFKI, two Max Planck Institutes, two Helmholtz Institutes, Cybersecurity 
and Pharmaceutical Science) will allow for exciting interdisciplinary work.

Saarbrücken being close to the border to France, food is excellent!

Please forward this message to potentially interested Master students in 
your group.

Thanks and best regards,
Sven Rahmann

Prof. Dr. Sven Rahmann
Algorithmic Bioinformatics
Saarland University
Tel: +49 681 302-70880

ZBI - Zentrum für Bioinformatik
Campus, Gebäude E2 1, Zimmer 1.14
Universität des Saarlandes
66123 Saarbrücken

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