[CPM-SPIRE-L] Fwd: Sad New about Alberto

Rolf Backofen backofen at informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Jul 22 02:17:07 PDT 2015

I very sorry to hear this, the community owes so much to Alberto.
Condolensce to Titti and Rosa.


Am 21.07.15 um 15:49 schrieb Srinivas Aluru:
> Amihood and the rest of the CPM-SPIRE community,
>          As a colleague in the same School at Georgia Tech, we are 
> shocked and deeply saddened by the news. In fact, my group jointly 
> submitted a journal paper with Alberto to the RECOMB special issue of 
> the Journal of Computational Biology just the Thursday night of last 
> week. He was a great colleague, scientist, and a mentor.
> Srinivas
> On 7/21/2015 4:59 AM, Amihood Amir wrote:
>> Dear Friends,
>> Today is a hard day for our community. One of the founders of
>> combinatorial pattern matching passed away last night.
>> See Raffaele's message below.
>> Our hearts are with Titti and Rosa.
>> -- Ami
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Raffaele Giancarlo [mailto:raffaele.giancarlo at unipa.it]
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 11:13 AM
>> To: landau at cs.haifa.ac.il
>> Subject: Sad New about Alberto
>> Dear Friend,
>> last night here in Lipari Alberto had a massive hearth attach. He is no
>> longer with us.
>> His family, I and a few other friends here are in a sort of vacuum.
>> The only rather grim consolation is that, laying on his bed, he was the
>> image of peace.
>> Please share the  sad news  with the scientific community. I have
>> contacted all Italian Universities in which Alberto has worked.
>> His funeral will be in Salerno, where his wife and daughter have decided
>> he should rest in piece.
>> I will give you more news as I get them.
>> Sadly,
>> Raffaele
>> ----- Fine messaggio inoltrato. -----
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     Amihood Amir                                  Phone: (03)531-8770
>>     Professor of Computer Science                 FAX  : (03)738-4056
>>     Bar-Ilan University				Secr : (03)736-0497
>>     52900 Ramat-Gan, ISRAEL                       Email: amir at cs.biu.ac.il
>>     	and	                                url:
>>     Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA  http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~amir/
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Prof. Dr. Rolf Backofen               Phone:  (+49) 761 203 7461
Lehrstuhl für Bioinformatik           
Institut für Informatik               Fax:    (+49) 761 203 7462
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg  
Georges-Köhler-Allee 106 
D-79110 Freiburg, Germany             

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