Dear friends and colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit your paper to our upcoming invited session on SUPERVISED VERSUS UNSUPERVISED METHODS FOR INTELLIGENT TEXT PROCESSING at KES 2017 in Marseille, France.

Please help us and share our call for papers to your colleagues.

Accepted papers will be published in the KES 2017 conference proceedings. The KES conference is ranked B by the CORE Australian Association. The open access conference proceedings will appear in Elsevier’s Procedia Computer Science and on ScieneDirect.

Second Call for Papers

Machine learning approaches for intelligent text processing are actively studied by researchers in natural language processing, information retrieval and related fields. While supervised methods usually attain much better performance than unsupervised methods, they also require annotated data which is not always available or easy to obtain. Hence, we encourage the submission of supervised, unsupervised or hybrid methods for intelligent text processing tasks. Methods studying alternative learning paradigms, e.g. semi-supervised learning, weakly-supervised learning, zero-shot learning but also transfer learning, are very welcome as well.

This sessions covers three research areas: natural language processing, computational linguistics and information retrieval. We invite the submission of papers on original and unpublished research in all aspects of automated and intelligent text processing, including but not limited to the following topics:

Information retrieval, information extraction
Question answering
Machine learning in NLP
Machine translation
Morphology, syntax and semantics
Resources and evaluation
Representation of linguistic knowledge
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
Social media
Text Mining
Text categorization and clustering
Word sense disambiguation

Please do not forget to choose Session ID IS13 when you submit your paper.

Important Dates

Submission of Papers: 1st of April, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: 15th of May, 2017
Final paper publication files to be received by: 26th of May, 2017
Author Registration Deadline: 2nd of June, 2017
Conference dates:  6-8 September, 2017


Marseille, France (

For further details check the websites below:

We hope to see you in Marseille! 

Thank you on behalf of the session chairs,
Radu, Marius, Adrian & Sebastien

Email contacts:
Adrian-Gabriel CHIFU
Aix-Marseille Université (FEG), LSIS - France
Radu-Tudor IONESCU
University of Bucharest - Romania