Dear all,

Could you please forward the following message to your user communities? Due to the upcoming Christmas holidays the registration closes already on the 12th of December.

Wishing you a nice holiday season,


RNA-seq data analysis workshop in Finland 8.-10.1.2014

Please note that registration for the international RNA-seq data analysis workshop is now open at The workshop covers several aspects of RNA-seq data analysis, ranging from quality control, assembly and alignment to differential expression analysis and miRNA-mRNA integration. Particular emphasis is given to comparison of different analysis tools. The program consists of two lecture days and four optional hands-on sessions. The workshop is part of the EU FP7 funded AllBio project.


Best regards,


Eija Korpelainen, Ph.D
Product Manager
Application services, Bioinformatics
CSC - IT Centre for Science
P.O.Box 405, FIN-02101 Espoo, Finland
Phone +358 50 381 9726