[CPM-SPIRE-L] Postdoctoral Positions in Algorithms and Patten Matching - Professor Ely Porat's Research Group

Itay Fayerverker itay at datalab.cs.biu.ac.il
Mon Jun 26 10:27:21 PDT 2023

New full time postdoctoral positions are available in the *Modern Pattern
Matching (MPM) Algorithms Group *at the *Department of Computer Science of
Bar-Ilan university, Israel.*

The main fields of the group research are *algorithms analysis, data
structures, distributed computation algorithms, graph algorithms, big data
 algorithms and computer science theory.*

The group is led by Professor* Ely Porat,* includes several postdoctoral
researchers and PhD students,and has very close work relations with other
faculty members in the field (among them *Prof. Amihood Amir, Prof. Moshe
Lewenstein, Prof. Liam Roditty, Dr. Tzvi Kopelowitz *and* Dr. Arnold

The group also includes some guest professors; For example, during the
passing year, *p**rofessor Seth Pettie from the University of Michigan* spent
half a year as a full time researcher in the group and *professor Arseny
Shur from the **Ural Federal University* has joined the group as a guest
researcher for the coming years.

The group has very good international partnerships and many good
cooperations with researchers around the world. It is worth noticing the
significant common work with *professor Cliff Stein *from Columbia
University, which has done a lot of common work and mutual visits and
meetings with members of the group.

We are looking for researchers in a *mature stage of their academi*c
capabilities, with a *Ph.D. degree* in *Computer Science* or *Mathematics* and
with *strong publication record in Theoretical Computer Science*. Our
threshold for applicants is at least three papers accepted to top tier
conferences (e.g. STOC, FOCS or SODA).

The positions will be for an *initial year* with the *possibility of
The postdoc may pursue his/her own line of research but a focus related to
the existing research areas of the group is very welcome.

Please send your application (including a cover letter, a curriculum vitae,
a list of publications, and the names and contact information of at least
two references) to recruit.postdoc at datalab.cs.biu.ac.il.
Please attach relevant documents as pdf files.

                               Best regards,
                                       Itay Ben Tzvy Fayerverker
                                     Prof. Ely Porat's Lab. manager
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