[CPM-SPIRE-L] Tenure-track Faculty Positions at University of Concepción-Chile

José Fuentes fs.pepe at gmail.com
Tue May 10 12:39:12 PDT 2022

The Department of Computer Science of University of Concepción (
www.inf.udec.cl) invites applications for two full-time tenure-track
positions for Assistant Professor, or higher hierarchy according to the
career stage. Duties and responsibilities include: Leading world-class
research in computer science, teaching and mentoring undergraduate and
graduate courses, and secure competitive research funding.

Candidates with a strong publication record, active research agenda and
some teaching experience are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants
with experience in any research area of computer science or similar
discipline are welcome.

Qualifications include:

   - PhD in Computer Science or similar discipline.
   - Experience in research, with a publication track record according to
the applicant's career stage.
   - Teaching experience.
   - The applicant should have command of both English and Spanish, or be
willing to learn the latter in the period of 1 year after initial hiring
(undergraduate classes are taught in Spanish).
   - Availability as of August 1, 2022 or soon thereafter.

Applications should be submitted to the link https://tinyurl.com/37uxa4wp,

   - A cover letter, including teaching preferences
   - Curriculum vitae, including a list of indexed publications, research
projects, teaching experience and industry experience, if any.
   - Up to three representative publications
   - Statement of teaching and research interests
   - Teaching evaluations, if available
   - Names and contacts of three references

Those applicants who are shortlisted will be invited to give a talk on
their research field. The final deadline for applications is June 30, 2022

*The position will be held in the city of Concepción, Chile.

For more information please contact Marcela Varas <mvaras at udec.cl>.

José Fuentes-Sepúlveda
Assistant professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Concepción
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