[CPM-SPIRE-L] ESA 2022 Call for Papers

Gonzalo Navarro gnavarro at dcc.uchile.cl
Mon Mar 21 07:35:41 PDT 2022


30th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)

September 5, 2022 - September 9, 2022 in Potsdam, Germany

Conference page: https://algo2022.eu/esa/

Easychair link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=esa20220

Call for Papers

The symposium seeks original algorithmic contributions for problems with
relevant theoretical and/or practical applications. Papers with a strong
emphasis on the theoretical analysis of algorithms should be submitted to
Track A, while papers reporting on the results of extensive experimental
evaluations and/or providing original contributions to the engineering of
algorithms for practical applications should be submitted to Track B.
Submissions that prove or explain known results in a much clearer, simpler
or more elegant way than done before should be submitted to track S. There
will be a Best Student Paper Award as well as a Best Paper Award, both
sponsored by EATCS. In order for a paper to be considered for the Best
Student Paper Award, all of its authors are required to be students.

Paper submission and proceedings

Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission
system. The ESA 2022 proceedings will be published in the Leibniz
International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series.

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or full paper of at most
11 pages excluding the title page, references, and an optional appendix.
The submission should be typeset using a 10-point or larger font in a
single-column format with ample spacing throughout and 2cm margins all
around on A4-size paper. We recommend, but not strictly require, making
your initial submission adhere to LIPIcs publication guidelines. Proofs
omitted due to space constraints must be placed in an appendix. This
appendix can even comprise an entire full version of the paper. The
appendix will be read by the program committee members at their discretion.
In particular, appendices of accepted papers are not going to be published
in the proceedings. The main part of the submission should therefore
contain a clear technical presentation of the merits of the paper,
including a discussion of the paper’s importance within the context of
prior work and a description of the key technical and conceptual ideas used
to achieve its main claims. These guidelines are strict: submissions
deviating significantly from these guidelines risk being rejected without
consideration of their merits. Papers should be submitted electronically
via the EasyChair submission system. Results previously published (or
scheduled for publication) in another conference proceedings or journal
will not be accepted at ESA. Simultaneous submission to other conferences
with published proceedings, or to multiple tracks of ESA 2022, is also not
permitted. By submitting a paper the authors acknowledge that in case of
acceptance, at least one of the authors must register at ALGO 2022, attend
the conference, and present the paper.

Double-Blind Reviewing

The conference will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process.
Submissions should not reveal the identity of the authors in any way. In
particular, authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses should not
appear at the beginning or in the body of the submission. Authors should
ensure that any references to their own related work is in the third person
(e.g., not “We build on our previous work …” but rather “We build on the
work of …”). The purpose of the double-blind reviewing is to help PC
members and external reviewers come to an initial judgment about the paper
without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if
they were to try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that
weakens the submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more
difficult. In particular, important references should not be omitted or
anonymized. In addition, authors should feel free to disseminate their
ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally would. For example,
authors may post drafts of their papers on the web, submit them to arXiv,
and give talks on their research ideas. In case there exist publicly
available versions of the submission online, the authors might mention this
in their submission (without providing references/links), and briefly
explain the differences if any. Alternatively, they might communicate the
details to the chairs, who will keep them confidential unless revealing
them to the PC is needed for a fair judgment. Authors with further
questions on double-blind reviewing are encouraged to contact the PC chairs.


Papers presenting original research in all areas of algorithmic research
are sought, including but not limited to:

    Algorithm engineering
    Algorithmic aspects of networks
    Algorithmic game theory
    Algorithmic Data Science
    Approximation algorithms
    Computational biology
    Computational finance
    Computational geometry
    Combinatorial optimization
    Data compression
    Data structures
    Databases and information retrieval
    Distributed and parallel computing
    Graph algorithms
    Hierarchical memories
    Heuristics and meta-heuristics
    Mathematical programming
    Mobile computing
    Online algorithms
    Parameterized algorithms
    Pattern matching
    Quantum computing
    Randomized algorithms
    Scheduling and resource allocation problems
    Streaming algorithms

Announcement: ESA Track S

This year, the European Symposium on Algorithms ESA’22 will have a Track S
(for Simplicity) inviting contributions that simplify algorithmic results.

We would like to expand the community around simplification of algorithmic
results, encourage and reward research towards simplification and clarity.
We find that simpler algorithms are easier to implement, bridging the gap
between theory and practice, and we find that new simple or elegant proofs
are easier to understand and to teach, and may contain interesting new
insights whose relevance only the future will reveal.

Scope: We invite submissions that prove or explain known results in a
much clearer, simpler or more elegant way than done before. Submissions
that improve on the state of the art from a theoretical or practical
viewpoint should instead be submitted to tracks A or B.

Paper assessment: Contingent on being in scope for ESA, submitted
papers will primarily be judged on the simplicity and elegance of their
proofs or algorithms, and the clarity of their presentation.

Track S will run as an experiment for the 2022 ESA in Potsdam, Germany.
It has its own PC and PC chair, and the submission/acceptance
deadlines follow the schedule for tracks A and B.

Important Dates

    Paper submission deadline: April 21
    Notification: June 18
    Camera ready: July 3
    Conference: September 5-9, 2022, in Potsdam, Germany

Steering Committee

    Hannah Bast (chair), Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
    Shiri Chechik, Tel Aviv University
    Fabrizio Grandoni, IDSIA, USI-SUPSI
    Robert Krauthgamer, The Weizmann Institute of Science
    Petra Mutzel (Chair), University of Bonn
    Gonzalo Navarro, Universidad de Chile
    Rasmus Pagh , University of Copenhagen
    Eva Rotenberg, Technical University of Denmark
    Peter Sanders, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Sabine Storandt, University of Konstanz

PC members (Track A)

    Mikkel Abrahamsen,  University of Copenhagen
    Peyman Afshani, Aarhus University
    Pankaj K. Agarwal, Duke University
    Sepehr Assadi, Rutgers University
    Per Austrin,  KTH
    Leonid Barenboim, The Open University of Israel
    Surender Baswana, IIT Kanpur
    Maike Buchin, Ruhr University Bochum
    Jaroslaw Byrka, University of Wrocław
    Diptarka Chakraborty,   National University of Singapore
    Shiri Chechik (chair), Tel Aviv University
    Vincent Cohen-Addad, Google Research
    Mark de Berg, TU Eindhoven
    Mahsa Derakhshan, UC Berkley and Northeastern University
    Michael Dinitz, Johns Hopkins University
    Michal Dory, ETH Zurich
    Matthias Englert, University of Warwick
    Thomas Erlebach, Durham University
    Fedor Fomin, University of Bergen
    Dimitris Fotakis, National Technical University of Athens
    Hsin Hao Su, Boston College
    Martin Hoefer, Goethe University
    Ravishankar Krishnaswamy, Microsoft Research
    Janardhan Kulkarni, Microsoft Research
    Divyarthi Mohan, Tel Aviv University
    Shay Mozes, Reichman University
    Wolfgang Mulzer, Freie Universität Berlin
    Ofer Neiman, Ben-Gurion University
    Aleksandar Nikolov, University of Toronto
    Sigal Oren, Ben-Gurion University
    Fahad Panolan, IIT Hyderabad
    Adi Rosén, FILOFOCS – CNRS
    Sushant Sachdeva, University of Toronto
    Stefan Schmid, University of Vienna and TU Berlin
    Roy Schwartz, Technion
    Bruce Shepherd, University of British Columbia
    Shay Solomon, Tel Aviv University
    Xiaorui Sun, University of Illinois
    Dimitrios Thilikos, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, CNRS
    Ohad Trabelsi, The University of Michigan
    Oren Weimann, University of Haifa
    Philip Wellnitz, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
    Raphael Yuster, University of Haifa

PC members (Track B)

    Diego Arroyuelo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
    Philip Bille, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
    Thomas Bläsius, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Christina Boucher, University of Florida
    Sándor Fekete, Technische Universität Braunschweig
    José Fuentes-Sepúlveda, Universidad de Concepción
    Gramoz Goranci, Universitat Wien
    Giuseppe Italiano, Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
    Shweta Jain, University of Utah
    Dominik Kempa, Stony Brook University
    Veli Mäkinen, University of Helsinki
    Catherine McGeoch, Amherst College
    David Mount, University of Maryland
    Gonzalo Navarro (chair), Universidad de Chile
    Steven Skiena, Stony Brook University
    Matthias Stallmann, North Carolina State University

PC members (Track S)

    Josh Alman, Columbia University
    Michael Bender, Stony Brook University
    Karl Bringmann, Saarland University
    Raphaël Clifford, University of Bristol
    Anne Driemel, Universität Bonn
    Paweł Gawrychowski, University of Wrocław
    Monika Henzinger, University of Vienna
    John Iacono, Université libre de Bruxelles
    Tomasz Kociumaka, University of California, Berkeley
    Irina Kostitsyna, Eindhoven University of Technology
    William Kuszmaul, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Rasmus Kyng, ETH Zürich
    Kitty Meeks, University of Glasgow
    Marcin Pilipczuk, University of Warsaw
    Kent Quanrud, Purdue University
    Eva Rotenberg (chair), Technical University of Denmark
    Shikha Singh, Williams College
    Jukka Suomela, Aalto University
    Haitao Wang, Utah State University
    Andreas Wiese, TU Munich
    Anna Zych-Pawlewicz, University of Warsaw

Invited Speakers

    Virginia Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Simon Puglisi, University of Helsinki


The ESA 2022 proceedings will be published in the Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series.

Kind regards,
    Shiri Chechik (track A chair), Tel Aviv University
    Gonzalo Navarro (track B chair), Universidad de Chile
    Eva Rotenberg (track S chair), Technical University of Denmark
    Tobias Friedrich (OC chair), University of Potsdam
    Grzegorz Herman (proceedings chair), Jagiellonian University Kraków
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