[CPM-SPIRE-L] postdoc position on "Efficient queries in compressed temporal graph databases" at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Nicola Prezza nicola.prezza at unive.it
Wed Dec 7 02:37:33 PST 2022

At Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy, we offer a postdoc position on
"Efficient queries in compressed temporal graph databases" under the
supervision of Claudio Silvestri, Nicola Prezza, and Giulio Ermanno Pibiri.
The project is partially funded by the ERC project REGINDEX (

Skills: candidates with skills in any subset of the following research
topics are welcome: Algorithms and data structures, graph algorithms,
databases, C++/rust programming.

Description: One of the most adopted data models in graph databases is the
property graph data model, in which both edges and nodes are labeled with
multiple key-value pairs. Since time is a relevant dimension in most
real-world problems, recent research works started considering time a
first-class citizen in the property graph model, proposing the Temporal
Property Graph model and a corresponding language, T-GQL, that can
represent the graph’s structure and label evolution along time and express
temporal queries. For example, we may be interested in matching patterns
or, more in general, regular expressions along the time dimension
considering different parts of the history of the graph, that could
represent a starting point for evaluating the reachability of nodes along
temporal paths in which edges intervals of existence are consecutive. This
research aims to improve the efficiency of property graph databases and
temporal property graph databases using compressed graph representations
and graph pattern matching/regular path query algorithms for the
computation of T-GQL queries along graph paths defined by patterns and
regular expressions.

Duration of contract: 12 months, approximately starting: February 2023

Location: the research will take place at the scientific campus of Ca'
Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Application link: https://www.unive.it/data/28825/ (search for "Efficient
queries in compressed temporal graph databases"). Deadline: December 27th
2022 at 12:00 Italian time.

Contacts: For more information, contact Claudio Silvestri at
silvestri at unive.it


Nicola Prezza

Associate Professor

Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica

Università Ca' Foscari

Via Torino, 155 - 30170 Mestre, Venezia (VE), Italia

nicola.prezza at unive.it
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