[CPM-SPIRE-L] TheoretiCS: Launch of a new journal in TCS

Fernau, Henning, Univ.-Prof. Dr. fernau at uni-trier.de
Tue Dec 21 03:58:41 PST 2021

TheoretiCS is a new Diamond Open Access electronic journal covering all areas of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), that is launched in December 2021. The scope of the journal is TCS broadly construed, including, but not restricted to, the Theory of Computing and the Theory of Programming. One of our aims is to bridge the, often artificial, division between TCS-A and TCS-B.

Access to all papers is free. Authors are not required to pay any publication fees or article processing charges, and retain copyright under a Creative Commons license.

TheoretiCS strives for top quality scholarship in Theoretical Computer Science. It publishes original research, explicitly including suitably revised and extended versions of conference papers. To be accepted, a paper must make a significant contribution of lasting value to a relevant area of TCS, and its presentation must be of high quality.

TheoretiCS is published by the TheoretiCS Foundation e.V., a non-profit organisation registered in Germany. The journal is a joint effort of the TCS community. Its policies are decided by the Advisory Board, mostly consisting of representatives of major TCS conferences.

TheoretiCS is an overlay journal of the Computing Research Repository (CoRR) on arXiv. It is hosted by the Episciences platform for overlay journals, which is kindly provided by the CCSD.

Editorial Board. The inaugural Editors-in-Chief are Javier Esparza (TU Munich) and Uri Zwick (Tel Aviv U.). The full Editorial Board and further information can be found at https://theoretics.episciences.org/

Advisory Board, composed of representatives of most of the main conferences in the field

(currently APPROX, CCC, COLT, CONCUR, CSL, FOCS, FoSSaCS, FSCD, FSTTCS, ICALP, ICDT, ITCS, LICS, MFCS, PODC, SoCG, SODA, STACS, STOC, TCC) and of so-called members-at-large.

TheoretiCS acknowledges endorsement by

Noga Alon,

Shafi Goldwasser,

Donald E. Knuth,

Robert E. Tarjan,

Leslie Valiant,

Moshe Y. Vardi, and

Andrew C.-C. Yao.

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